Below are 10 transformative ways to increase your worth at work, among friends, in your family and in your community. 1. Subscribe to Excellence: It is a common saying that “Whatever your hands find doing is worth doing well”. You increase your worth by activating excellence in all you do. Give your best to whatever your hands find doing. Let people know that you will always deliver to the best of your ability. 2. Be Time Conscious: Those who are not time conscious not only reduce their worth, but also cause a crack to their integrity. Get to meetings at least 10 minutes ahead of the scheduled time. Never waste people’s time. And whenever anyone waste your time, politely frank at it. 3. Let Your Yes be Yes and Your No be No : Your worth increase when people can trust your words. The world today lacks people who can tell full fledge truth. Once people know you with the truth, you become a treasure. 4. Know your value: Never settle for the less, no matter what....