A Wasted Time - A Wasted Life

Time – what many scholars and authors called an illusion. With no argument, it is. But the life that everyone living has a span and time is what is used in measuring a life duration. That is, a life is summed up by the number of time spent by the person. There is a long mythology in Africa, a culture of time, which postulated that a scheduled time is not always the real time. By this, African cultivates the idea of getting to meetings behind scheduled time. Most people are poor with time, African time is a barbaric culture which no global citizen will imbibe. Getting to the length of killing time is another illusion. No one can kill time! By killing time, you are killing a life. Every seconds count in every individual’s life. A wasted time is directly a wasted life. If you can’t manage your time, you can’t manage your life. if you can’t maintain your time, you can’t maintain your life. if you can’t control your time, you can’t control your life. Surely, if you can get it ...