
Showing posts from October, 2016

Trump & Hillary: Creating a sense of tomorrow today

With just 26 days left to the United State of America's Presidential election, which will hold on 8 November, 2016. Just these past few days, a lot has happened that will possibly determine who will win the election as the reputation of the two major candidates are at stake due to past mistakes. As we know that exposing each others flaws is a strong weapon as far as this race is concerned. Little do we know that something big is on its way. On 8th October, 2016, a video was obtained by Washington Post that captures Trump talking with Billy Bush, then of "Access Hollywood" on a bus precisely in vulgar terms which denotes sexually harassing women during a 2005 conversation, This sparked up a  reaction on the internet from all over the United State especially, with some requesting and hoping he will withdraw from the presidential election. Following the sharp criticism, Trump quickly apologized stating it was a thing of the past in which everyone has a past and promised t...

Let your Expectation meets your Preparation

The most celebrated opportunities are the one prepared for. Opportunity becomes real opportunity when it collides with a preparation. In the absence of preparation, an opportunity becomes a normal insignificant occurrence. Most times in our lives, we met with opportunities day by day, but our un preparedness makes us not to take note of them. It is not enough to have an idea on your head, but pen down a plane for the execution of the idea and make every possible enquiry, so that when the opportunity to flag off the idea approaches, it won't meet you unprepared. It is what you prepare for that you will look out for. It is what you prepared for that you will expect. It is what you prepare for that you will aim at. Your sense of identification of opportunity is proportional to your preparation. Always prepare yourself to meet the best opportunity of your life. Preparation can be in acquiring knowledge or planning. Just make sure that your preparation is mature to meet up with t...

The Online Syndrome: Before, Now and Later

Gone are those days when we treck to our friends houses because we want to see them or have a message for them. Unfortunately at times, after having walked and  gone through such effort to see them, what we meet is their "absence"  due to lack of prior notice. We know how painful and disappointing that can be Never again are those days when breaking news were received on the television, radio or news papers.   sometimes , needless to say, the media outlets fed us with news that were either outdated or fabricated. Today, we visit our friends lesser yet our friendship thrived, with the littlest effort we get updated information on things happening around us. Thanks to the internet! Now you may wonder.. do people still visit media outlets? The answer is yes, but even they increasingly rely on the internet for a wider outreach. What an Irony! Breaking news are first received online, like a bread baked and freshly brought out of the oven. Kudos to the social media....