Trump & Hillary: Creating a sense of tomorrow today

With just 26 days left to the United State of America's Presidential election, which will hold on 8 November, 2016. Just these past few days, a lot has happened that will possibly determine who will win the election as the reputation of the two major candidates are at stake due to past mistakes.
As we know that exposing each others flaws is a strong weapon as far as this race is concerned.
Little do we know that something big is on its way. On 8th October, 2016, a video was obtained by Washington Post that captures Trump talking with Billy Bush, then of "Access Hollywood" on a bus precisely in vulgar terms which denotes sexually harassing women during a 2005 conversation,
This sparked up a  reaction on the internet from all over the United State especially, with some requesting and hoping he will withdraw from the presidential election. Following the sharp criticism, Trump quickly apologized stating it was a thing of the past in which everyone has a past and promised to be more careful. "I said it, I was wrong, and i apologised".
For those who thought Trump alone will be the one to deal with a blow, that wasn't the case.
Similarly, Paula Jones who was involved with Clinton in a sex scandal which he  settled with $850,000 came out openly to slam it on the faces of Clinton and Hillary .
"So Donald Trump had to apologise about woman comment... Yet Bill and Hillary has not apologised" to her and others whom Clinton got involved with similarly. She added that if Clinton can do that and still run the country, nothing is stopping Trump.
Bill definitely had no idea that this in Washington will still affect his wife. Just as Trump statement is haunting him right now and can cost him his ambition.
The whole story is on the news for anyone who missed it and finds it interesting, but my purpose of putting this together is to "create a sense of tomorrow today" in this present generation.
Of a truth, anything we do today, becomes a history tomorrow. These stories that the media are talking about happened some years ago but seems like yesterday.
You might not know where you will find yourself tomorrow, but your actions, word and attitude today has a lot to do with your tomorrow, either to make or mare it.
Consciously or unconsciously, we are all creating a shadow that will forever tail us. 


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