Goal is something distinctly different from a wish. It can be quickly and easily described to another person. You can measure it and you know when you have achieved it or not.
With this definition I will bring out 6 important approaches to overcoming impediments to GOAL achievement.
1. Proper & strategic planning
The most important part of goal setting is the planning phase. Sometimes, we are determined and committed, but our game plan steers us astray. You must ensure that your plan will help you deliver your desired outcome. One way to making certain your plan is sound is to have friends who are also goal driven. They will be able to give you feed back and to question specific parts of your plan, thereby allowing you to have a 360 degree overview of your map. The further you think into the future, the better decisions you will make in the present to assure that the future become a reality. The most effective way to stop your mind from worrying about the future is to use the present to plan your future.
2. Clinical Execution
What happens to your plan if after you draw it, you placed it on a shelf? Achievement is a doing. Action is major, it is primordial; it is everything! If you take no action, nothing happens, nothing moves, NO ACHIEVEMENT. Dispose the excuses and do it at once, you will be glad you did.
3. Creative Time Management
Time is a limited resources. The greatest achievers have as much time as the least productive. Goal achievers recognise the importance of time as a resource and use it productively. As an achiever, we have a long to do list and only a few hours at hand. So, prioritisation, appropriate time-allocation and immediate execution are requirements for GOALS achievement. Keep time wasting activities at bay. Don’t do tomorrow what you can do today.
4. Having a Focus or Direction.
Any Road will seem good for someone who has no destination. You cannot have a goal to buy Toyota Vienna and now hear that someone wants to sell Toyota Carina I and now consider that as an opportunity. That is simply having no direction. Lacking direction is like sailing in the ocean and hoping the wind will push your boat somewhere. Don’t be surprised to end up in the midst of icebergs, strong turbulents and waves with sharks underneath. Precision is critical. You must be clear about what you want at any point in time.
5. Willingness to stretch our comfort zones
We all have the tendency of staying within the patterns of behaviour in which we feel at ease. It feels discomforting to challenge ourselves to experience something new getting out of your comfort zone can be exciting and the rewards are priceless. The main thing to remember here is that to achieve something worthwhile, you must get out of your comfort zone.
6. Having sufficient resources and adequate support
It is important to have a support system. Having GOAL peers is very important as our goal peers encourage us to keep focused. Similarly, you need family support as well as adequate financial resources. Most goals dies at the mercy of money! This is disheartening. To avoid frustration, ensure you can acquire the resources you need to be able to pursue and achieve your goals. If the current resources can not cater for the goal, set another pre-goal that will cater for the resources. Draw plans on how to get the resources.
It is your GOAL, it must work and it must deliver!
Olajide Ola’Emmanuel wrote this piece for Lofty Transformation Centre.
Source: http://www.loftycentre.com/?p=288