The summary law of the 5 Universal Law of Success is the Law of Correspondence. This law says that, “Your outer world is a reflection of your inner world.” It is as though you live in a 360-degree mirror. Everywhere you look, you see yourself reflected back at you. People treat you the way you treat them. The way you think about your physical body will be reflected in your health habits and your appearance. The way you think about people and your relationships will be reflected back to you in the quality of your friendships and your family life. The way you think about success and prosperity will be reflected in the results that you enjoy in your career and your material life. In every case, your outer world reflects back to you, like a mirror image, exactly what you are thinking in the deepest recesses of your mind. When you put the Laws of Control and Effect, Belief, Expectations, Attraction and Correspondence together, you arrive at the great universal principle that ex...