The Law of Belief
is the basic principle that underlies most religion, psychology, philosophy and
metaphysics. The Law of Belief says that, “Whatever you believe, with
conviction, becomes your reality.”
In the New
Testament it says, “According to your faith, it is done unto you.” In
the Old Testament, it says, “As a man thinketh, in his heart (his beliefs),
so is he.”
William James
wrote, “Belief creates the actual fact.” The fact is that, “You do not believe what you see, but
rather, you see what you already believe.” Your deeply held beliefs
form a screen of prejudices that distort your external reality and cause you to
see things not the way they are, but the way you are. The worst
of all beliefs are self-limiting beliefs. These are beliefs that you
have developed through life, usually false, that cause you to believe that you
are limited in some way. Your negative beliefs soon become habitual ways of
thinking. You may believe that you lack intelligence, creativity, personality,
the ability to speak publicly, the ability to earn a high income, or the
ability to achieve your goals.
As a result of your
self-limiting beliefs, you continually “sell yourself short,” give up easily in
the pursuit of a goal, and even worse, tell other people around you that you
lack certain qualities or abilities. Your beliefs then become your realities. “You
are not what you think you are, but what you think, you are.”
When you develop
your mind to the point where you absolutely believe that you can do anything
you put your mind to, you will find a way to make that belief a reality. As a
result, your whole life will change.
Beliefs are the
hardest things of all to change. But there is good news. It is that all beliefs
are learned. And anything that has been learned can be unlearned.
You can develop the beliefs of courage, confidence and unstoppable persistence
that you need for great success by reprogramming your subconscious mind in a
specific way.
If you don’t
believe in yourself, nobody will. The amount of belief you have in yourself is
directly proportional to your worth.
Tell yourself every day that you are an achiever. Never allow anything
other than “You can” and you will.