An organization is like a car with four tyres, no need for an extra. If one is faulty, the car goes nowhere.
  • 1.      Don’t show favoritism of any of your employee – CEO who shows favoritism  only makes the others less active and sometimes uncooperative by killing the team spirit within the organization.
  • 2.      Be committed to the Organization Core Values – Promote and demonstrate strong values, which can be translated into operational and relational standard. Being a model of the organization values as a CEO empowers the organization to be more focused and aligned. Be a reflection of what you want your organization and employee to be. Don’t break the rules!
  • 3.      Make your employee believe and feel that they are working with you and not for you – Employee’s productivity will always be on the increase when the work structure provides them the opportunity to develop themselves. A win-win system between the employer and the employee produces more effective workmanship. Also, as a CEO, be open to suggestions and the firm in decision. Build a diverse but unified team, where each person can contribute his unique strengths, where each person’s weaknesses are either strengthened or made irrelevant by the complementary strengths of others.
  • 4.      Be interested in their private life and show concern – Develop a personal relationship with your employee and provide them with the support they might need.
  • 5.      Settle dispute between two parties together and not individually – Only employee who wants to be bias listen to one side of a story regarding to dispute in an organization. Misunderstandings should be settled with all those concerned being together and not separately as this provides a clear picture of what might have actually transpired.
  • 6.      Prepare your employees for mistake and tell them how it can help them to be better - A CEO who provides no room for their employee to make mistake only puts them in a corner whereby when they make mistake, they try to cover it up and that can even be more damaging to the organization. Welcome mistakes, guide them on possible way out of it.
  • 7.      Appreciate them – A CEO should find it worthy of showing gratitude to their employees irrespective of them being paid for their services. The fact is, words like “thank you” “well done” “You did well” “You can do better” goes a long way to make employees feel they are really wanted and appreciated in an organization as those words aims for the heart. Also, pay them on time. If the job agreement is that you will pay them by the last day of the month, it must not be changed. In case of any challenge to that, communicate to them directly with an apology.
  • 8.      Delegate duties accordingly - Put people in charge. Make someone to be responsible for any task to be carried out. Don’t think they will mess it up.
  • 9.      Find time to discuss with them - Discuss where they are doing well and where they need to improve. Create an environment that will help individuals to discover, develop, refine and exercise their abilities.
  • 10.  Prepare them for a better tomorrow - You can’t have your employees with you forever. Talk to them about what they want to be remembered for when they leave the organization. If people live daily with the end in mind, it will make them to always be at their best.


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