The law of control says that, “You feel happy to the degree to which you feel you are in control of your own life. You feel unhappy to the degree to which you feel you are not in control of your own life.” Modern psychology calls this “Locus of Control Theory.” Psychologists differentiate between an internal locus of control and an external locus of control. Your locus of control is where you feel the control exists in each area of your life.

This location determines your happiness or unhappiness more than any other factor. For example, if you feel that you are the primary creative force in your own life, that you make your own decisions, and that everything that happens to you is a result of yourself and your own behaviors, you have a solid internal locus of control. As a result, you will feel strong, confident and happy. You will think with greater clarity and perform at higher levels than the average person.

On the other hand, if you feel that your life is controlled by other factors or people, by your job, your boss, your childhood experiences, your bills, your health, your family or anything else, you will have an external locus of control. You will feel like a victim. You will feel like a pawn in the hands of fate.

You will feel helpless and unable to change or improve your situation. You will soon develop the habit of blaming others and making excuses for your problems. This type of thinking leads inevitably to anger, frustration and failure.
Now, you have to take control of your life! always know that the result of every decision about your life has the major consequence on you. You cannot afford to make the wrong decisions. Always realize the consequence of every action.

·        Control your thought. Train your mind to always attract good thoughts. Your thought becomes your reality.
·        Control your time, spend time doing what you need to do and not what you wish to do. Invest your time engaging in things that has to do with your life. never spend time watching movies or on social media. Spend much time learning. Learning is one of the best way you can control your life. read books.
·        Control you’re your finance. Be accountable for every dime you spend. A nice man saves his money, while a wise man invests his money.

·        Control your relationship. Be strategic in selecting your friends. Not everyone can be your friend. Make friend with people who has positive impact on your life purpose.


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