Turn Your Connections To Your Audience

While waiting for the opportunity of having a large audience to market your products/services to, a dream that might not come to pass as much as you expected.
People most times neglect the easiest, most accessible, tested and trusted platform that already have their audience together. Audience of different social class and status.
You probably have at least over 500 Facebook friends, 200 Twitter followers, 300 Instagram followers, some actually have more than this. These are your ready made audience/clients.
You'll spend less on advertisement if you leverage on this your social connections.
The jackpot is, post consistently about your product/services. Enough of unnecessary post that never gives you bank alert or build your influence. Post at least 3 times a day about your products/services and they must be relevant and informative enough to convince clients.
Create a sense of what you have to offer to your social media connections.
Engage in communication with them by commenting on their posts and drop some likes where necessary. This is to establish a mutual relationship. They'll feel free to patronise you if you're more connected to each other.
You never know who might need your service among your connections. Even, if they don't need it now, they might need it someday or know someone who needs it.
Your timeline should speak about your products/services. With time, you'll go viral.


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