
Showing posts from 2016

10 Impact-ful things you can still do in 2016

1. Appreciate those who have contributed meaningfully to your life: Making the rest days of the year as days of expression of gratitudeto your friends, families, colleagues etc. isn't a bad idea. Tell them you love them, send out greeting cards, send text messages, call them on phone or you can visit them. 2. Make someone happy: There are people around you who are not as blessed as you are. Make this festive period an opportunity to demonstrate love and care to people like that. Nothing is too small or too big. 3. Forgive and be foegiven: It isn't pleasurable to carry with you the pains that others have caused you into the new year. It will be good for you if you can forgive those who have offended you in the past months and embrace peace. Also,  you should also ask for forgiveness from those who you have offended, hoping they will forgive you. 4. Take an online course: Yes,  you can still get certified in some online courses this year. There are courses you can complete in...


Goal is something distinctly different from a wish. It can be quickly and easily described to another person. You can measure it and you know when you have achieved it or not. With this definition I will bring out 6 important approaches to overcoming impediments to GOAL achievement. 1. Proper & strategic planning The most important part of goal setting is the planning phase. Sometimes, we are determined and committed, but our game plan steers us astray. You must ensure that your plan will help you deliver your desired outcome. One way to making certain your plan is sound is to have friends who are also goal driven. They will be able to give you feed back and to question specific parts of your plan, thereby allowing you to have a 360 degree overview of your map. The further you think into the future, the better decisions you will make in the present to assure that the future become a reality. The most effective way to stop your mind from worrying about the future is to use the pr...

Trump & Hillary: Creating a sense of tomorrow today

With just 26 days left to the United State of America's Presidential election, which will hold on 8 November, 2016. Just these past few days, a lot has happened that will possibly determine who will win the election as the reputation of the two major candidates are at stake due to past mistakes. As we know that exposing each others flaws is a strong weapon as far as this race is concerned. Little do we know that something big is on its way. On 8th October, 2016, a video was obtained by Washington Post that captures Trump talking with Billy Bush, then of "Access Hollywood" on a bus precisely in vulgar terms which denotes sexually harassing women during a 2005 conversation, This sparked up a  reaction on the internet from all over the United State especially, with some requesting and hoping he will withdraw from the presidential election. Following the sharp criticism, Trump quickly apologized stating it was a thing of the past in which everyone has a past and promised t...

Let your Expectation meets your Preparation

The most celebrated opportunities are the one prepared for. Opportunity becomes real opportunity when it collides with a preparation. In the absence of preparation, an opportunity becomes a normal insignificant occurrence. Most times in our lives, we met with opportunities day by day, but our un preparedness makes us not to take note of them. It is not enough to have an idea on your head, but pen down a plane for the execution of the idea and make every possible enquiry, so that when the opportunity to flag off the idea approaches, it won't meet you unprepared. It is what you prepare for that you will look out for. It is what you prepared for that you will expect. It is what you prepare for that you will aim at. Your sense of identification of opportunity is proportional to your preparation. Always prepare yourself to meet the best opportunity of your life. Preparation can be in acquiring knowledge or planning. Just make sure that your preparation is mature to meet up with t...

The Online Syndrome: Before, Now and Later

Gone are those days when we treck to our friends houses because we want to see them or have a message for them. Unfortunately at times, after having walked and  gone through such effort to see them, what we meet is their "absence"  due to lack of prior notice. We know how painful and disappointing that can be Never again are those days when breaking news were received on the television, radio or news papers.   sometimes , needless to say, the media outlets fed us with news that were either outdated or fabricated. Today, we visit our friends lesser yet our friendship thrived, with the littlest effort we get updated information on things happening around us. Thanks to the internet! Now you may wonder.. do people still visit media outlets? The answer is yes, but even they increasingly rely on the internet for a wider outreach. What an Irony! Breaking news are first received online, like a bread baked and freshly brought out of the oven. Kudos to the social media....


If you are going on a job interview today, what would you say is the most important skill you would need? Is it writing, to create a knockout resume? Or maybe salesmanship? After all, isn’t that what you do on an interview, sell yourself? Or how about charisma? If you are charismatic, you are sure to get the job you want, right? Or let’s say that instead of going on an interview, you were going to spend your day recruiting, whether for business prospects, or people to function in your team. What skill would you need as a recruiter? Discernment? An eye for talent? Better yet, let’s say your job today was to supply new ideas for your organization. What qualities would you need? Creativity? Intelligence? What is the number one ability you would need? No matter which one of these three tasks you were to take on today, you would need one skill over all others, more than talent, discernment, or charm. It is the one skill that all great leaders recognize as indispensable to their ...


The summary law of the 5 Universal Law of Success is the Law of Correspondence. This law says that, “Your outer world is a reflection of your inner world.” It is as though you live in a 360-degree mirror. Everywhere you look, you see yourself reflected back at you. People treat you the way you treat them. The way you think about your physical body will be reflected in your health habits and your appearance. The way you think about people and your relationships will be reflected back to you in the quality of your friendships and your family life. The way you think about success and prosperity will be reflected in the results that you enjoy in your career and your material life. In every case, your outer world reflects back to you, like a mirror image, exactly what you are thinking in the deepest recesses of your mind. When you put the Laws of Control and Effect, Belief, Expectations, Attraction and Correspondence together, you arrive at the great universal principle that ex...


Ever heard of the Law of Attraction? The law says that, “You are a living magnet; you invariably attract into your life the people, ideas and circumstances that harmonize with your dominant thoughts.” The Law further says, “ your mentality becomes your reality” “If you can imagine it, you can achieve it” Whatever the mind . . . can conceive it can achieve. " . This law of attraction has been written and spoken about for five thousand years.   It is one of the most important of all principles in explaining success and failure. The law of attraction says that your thoughts are activated by your emotions, either positive or negative, and that they then create a force field of energy around you that attracts into your life, like iron filings to a magnet, exactly the people and circumstances that are in harmony with those thoughts. Like all mental laws, the law of attraction is neutral . If you think positive thoughts, you attract positive people and circumstances. If you...


The Law of Expectation says that, “Whatever you expect, with confidence, becomes your own self-fulfilling prophecy.” In other words, you do not necessarily get what you want, but rather what you expect. Life will never give you what you deserve, but what you desire. If you confidently expect something to happen, this expectation has a powerful effect on your attitude and your personality. The more confident your expectations, the more likely it is that you will do and say the things that are consistent with what you expect to happen. As a result, you will dramatically increase the probabilities that you will achieve exactly what you are hoping for. One of the wonderful things about expectations is that you can manufacture your own. You can get up each morning and say; “I believe something wonderful is going to happen to me today.” Each day, whenever I wake, I use to say “It is a wonderful world”. Therefore, all that I expect from each day are wonders and miracle. As y...


The Law of Belief is the basic principle that underlies most religion, psychology, philosophy and metaphysics. The Law of Belief says that, “Whatever you believe, with conviction, becomes your reality.” In the New Testament it says, “According to your faith, it is done unto you. ” In the Old Testament, it says, “As a man thinketh, in his heart (his beliefs), so is he.” William James wrote, “Belief creates the actual fact.” The fact is that, “ You do not believe what you see, but rather, you see what you already believe .” Your deeply held beliefs form a screen of prejudices that distort your external reality and cause you to see things not the way they are, but the way you are. The worst of all beliefs are self-limiting beliefs . These are beliefs that you have developed through life, usually false, that cause you to believe that you are limited in some way. Your negative beliefs soon become habitual ways of thinking. You may believe that you lack intelligence, creativity, ...


The law of control says that, “You feel happy to the degree to which you feel you are in control of your own life. You feel unhappy to the degree to which you feel you are not in control of your own life.” Modern psychology calls this “Locus of Control Theory.” Psychologists differentiate between an internal locus of control and an external locus of control. Your locus of control is where you feel the control exists in each area of your life. This location determines your happiness or unhappiness more than any other factor. For example, if you feel that you are the primary creative force in your own life, that you make your own decisions, and that everything that happens to you is a result of yourself and your own behaviors, you have a solid internal locus of control. As a result, you will feel strong, confident and happy. You will think with greater clarity and perform at higher levels than the average person. On the other hand, if you feel that your life is controlled b...

Seek to know, Seek to learn

In the journey of life, we all tread a path that leads to individual and collective fulfillment. There is now no path today that anyone might be treading that has not been treaded before by others in time past. “A man’s adventure is another man’s experience” The beauty of it is we can take advantage of those who already has the experience by seeking knowledge from them. Regardless of how much you know, still seek to know better from those around you. No matter how competent you are, you will often need to work with and rely on others. You cannot truly succeed without the success of other. Poet-Philosopher, Ralph Waldo Emerson acknowledged, “ Every man I meet is in some way superior, and I can learn of him” The successful people are there to guide those who want to succeed.

Let’s Talk “Integrity”

Webster Dictionary defines integrity as adherence to moral and ethical principles; soundness of moral character honesty. Integrity is the foundation upon which many other qualities are built, such as respect, dignity and trust. The need for integrity today is perhaps as great it has ever been. And it is absolutely essential for anyone who has influence over others. If the foundation of integrity is weak or fundamental flawed, then being a true leader becomes impossible. One of the realities of life is that if you can’t trust a person at all points, you can’t trust him or her at any point. Anytime you break a moral principle, you create a small crack in the foundation of your integrity. Choose to live with integrity, it secures one from the consequences of moral deficiencies. 

Give Up? Not Yet!

Now that you want to give up or you have already given up, that all hope appears to be lost and your expectations are far from surfacing. While, making a decision to give up, you thought of why you started initially, what was driving you till that very moment and that glorious end you have always dream of, but they couldn’t gear you into not letting go the long awaited unrealistic ambition. This is just what I have to say; “Without failure, success won’t exist”, because failure is simply “ An event that does not accomplish its intended purpose ”, while success is “ An event that accomplishes its intended purpose ” Success is best appreciated and celebrated in the presence of failure. How big a success will be celebrated and appreciated depends on how big the failure that accompanies it. Every success are over-shadowed with failure.  A big failure is directly proportional to an enormous success in the presence of determination , focus and belief . DON’T GIVE UP! I...

A Wasted Time - A Wasted Life II

What has happened to time that people no longer keep to time? Some comes to meeting late, while some has the habit of exceeding the time given to them during programmes. Time, if not the most valuable asset in the world. What you will and can do with your life depends on time. Don’t trust your money with anyone who can’t keep to time. He will not manage it well because he is already mismanaging his life. The best use of time is to invest it in doing things that will add to you and not things that has nothing to do with your purpose in life. You can’t be effective and purposeful with time for at least 8 hours a day and still remain the same you. The fact is, you are investing your time through anything you engage with each seconds. You can’t plant a yam and harvest cassava,  never! Though they are both tuber. You can effectively manage your time (life) by doing things you need to do before engaging in things you wish to do. Do the most important things first befo...


An organization is like a car with four tyres, no need for an extra. If one is faulty, the car goes nowhere. 1.       Don’t show favoritism of any of your employee – CEO who shows favoritism  only makes the others less active and sometimes uncooperative by killing the team spirit within the organization. 2.       Be committed to the Organization Core Values – Promote and demonstrate strong values, which can be translated into operational and relational standard. Being a model of the organization values as a CEO empowers the organization to be more focused and aligned. Be a reflection of what you want your organization and employee to be. Don’t break the rules! 3.       Make your employee believe and feel that they are working with you and not for you – Employee’s productivity will always be on the increase when the work structure provides them the opportunity to develop themselves. A win-win syste...